Berlingske Tidende
According to Wikipedia:
Berlingske, previously known as Berlingske Tidende is a Danish national daily newspaper based in Copenhagen. It is considered a newspaper of record for Denmark. First published on 3 January 1749, Berlingske is Denmark's, as well as the Nordic region's, oldest continually operating newspaper and among the oldest newspapers in the world.
Between September, 1913 and March, 1914, Berlingske Tidende sponsored a series of poster stamp collecting competitions. The newspaper arranged for a series of five albums to be printed, with spaces in each for specific poster stamps to be affixed. The albums were numbered, each had a cover printed in a different color, and the first four albums each held 100 poster stamps, the fifth album held 200 stamps. The stamps were all curated by, and registered with, the newspaper, and it is presumed that they were all published by advertisers of the newspaper. Each stamp received a registration number and date, and the stamps were illustrated in the albums.
Sometimes stamps with the same designs were printed in different colors, and it appears that any one of the color choices were acceptible for inclusion.
When an album was completed, it was to be brought or mailed into the newspaper's offices, where it would receive a rubber stamp marking and returned to the owner. The owner would provide their name and address, and be entered into a drawing for a prize, which was one of 10 wristwatches.
Below are links to each of the five albums, which are fully illustrated, including printed interleaving pages.
Album # 1 - for Stamps registered as no. 1 - 100
Album # 2 - for Stamps registered as no. 101 - 200
Album # 3 - for Stamps registered as no. 201 - 300
Album # 4 - for Stamps registered as no. 301 - 400
Album # 5-6 - for Stamps registered as no. 401 - 600
According to Wikipedia:
Berlingske, previously known as Berlingske Tidende is a Danish national daily newspaper based in Copenhagen. It is considered a newspaper of record for Denmark. First published on 3 January 1749, Berlingske is Denmark's, as well as the Nordic region's, oldest continually operating newspaper and among the oldest newspapers in the world.
Between September, 1913 and March, 1914, Berlingske Tidende sponsored a series of poster stamp collecting competitions. The newspaper arranged for a series of five albums to be printed, with spaces in each for specific poster stamps to be affixed. The albums were numbered, each had a cover printed in a different color, and the first four albums each held 100 poster stamps, the fifth album held 200 stamps. The stamps were all curated by, and registered with, the newspaper, and it is presumed that they were all published by advertisers of the newspaper. Each stamp received a registration number and date, and the stamps were illustrated in the albums.
Sometimes stamps with the same designs were printed in different colors, and it appears that any one of the color choices were acceptible for inclusion.
When an album was completed, it was to be brought or mailed into the newspaper's offices, where it would receive a rubber stamp marking and returned to the owner. The owner would provide their name and address, and be entered into a drawing for a prize, which was one of 10 wristwatches.
Below are links to each of the five albums, which are fully illustrated, including printed interleaving pages.
Album # 1 - for Stamps registered as no. 1 - 100
Album # 2 - for Stamps registered as no. 101 - 200
Album # 3 - for Stamps registered as no. 201 - 300
Album # 4 - for Stamps registered as no. 301 - 400
Album # 5-6 - for Stamps registered as no. 401 - 600
Advertisement from Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende, evening edition - September 24, 1913.
Text of the advertisement reads:
Published today: Price 50 øre.
Berlingske Tidendes Album
registered Collector's Stamps No. 1-100.
Illustrated edition.
Berlingske Tidendes Album
registered Collector's Stamps No. 1-100.
Illustrated edition.
The album contains black-printed images of every one of the registered with "Berlingske Tidende" Collector's Stamps no. 1 - 100.
Available from businesses
and in Berlingske Tidende's office, Pilestræde 34, St. See our window display. |
Under each image
is included the stamp number and date of registration. |
Berlingske Tidende will share
10 wristwatches between the owners of complete collections presented to the newspaper before 1 November this year. |
! ! ! |
Prize. |