Indregistrerede Samlermærker
no. 1 - 100
Indregistrerede Samlermærker
no. 1 - 100
Album Cover - Each album in the series had a different color - they all had an embossed, die-cut poster stamp issued by the newspaper affixed in a space at the top center.
The text reads: "My Stamp Collection / Berlingske Tidendes Album / For / Registered Poster Stamps / No. 1 - 100 / With Illustrations and Registration numbers - 50 øre" This album belonged to Inge Margrete Thrue, who lived at Frederiksberg Aleé 45. It is completely filled.
Inside Front Cover - An advertisement for the printing firm of L Levison Junr. in Copenhagen. Text reads:
"L. LEVISON JUNR. KJØBMAGERGADE 50 COPENHAGEN Produces original and tasteful POSTER STAMPS With advertising and artistic assistance. Our editors and our illustrators provide PROPOSALS, IDEAS, and DRAWINGS for anyone who considers issuing advertisements and poster stamps. TELEPHONE 7500 for connection to all departments and offices." The firm of L Levison Junr was one of the more prolific producers of poster stamps in Denmark. In the upper left corner can be seen the newspaper's rubber stamp confirmation mark. |
First printed interleaving page. These pages were bound into the album between pages with stamps. They are partially intended to protect the stamps from catching on stamps on opposing pages.
They also afford an opportunity for advertising. This is the only interleaving page with printing on both sides. Subsequent interleaving pages are only printed on the front side. |
First interleaving sheet - back. Text Reads:
"To encourage our most energetic collectors, we have arranged for 10 prizes, consisting of 10 modern wristwatches, which will be awarded according to the following rules: Anyone, who has collected in the Berlingske Tidendes Album for Registered Poster Stamps # 1 - 100, every depicted poster stamp, may, before November 1 of this year, present their album to Berlingske Tidende's office at Pilestræde 34, along with their name and address, after which they will become eligible for the drawing of the prizes. After review, the album will receive a small control stamp. - For residents of other towns and rural residents, the album may be submitted by mail to receive its control stamp, after which the album will be returned to its owner.- The results of the prize awards will be announced in the newspaper on Sunday, November 9th, this year. Copenhagen, September 24, 1913. Berlingske Tidende." |
Page 1 - Showing poster stamps # 1 - 5, with their registration dates.
#1) Maritime Exposition in Dragør. (no backprint) #2) Poster stamp published by Andreasen & Lachmann in 1913 (#8 in their series) which has a portrait of Bernhard Severin Ingemann (28 May 1789 – 24 February 1862). Ingemann was a Danish novelist and poet. The stamp advertises the publisher Kunstforlaget Danmark, who published many of Ingemann's works. #3) Advertisement for Medusa brand batteries for flashlights. "Available wholesale from H. P. Godt, Copenhagen". #4) Advertisement for money safes from Peter Sørensen. Printed by E.E. Berg & Co. #5) Advertisement for Singer Sewing Machines. |
Page 2 - Showing poster stamps # 6 - 10, with their registration dates.
They are not in numerical order on the page, perhaps because the existing arrangement is more aesthetically pleasing due to stamp colors. All five stamps here are advertising for the English-Danish Biscuits Factory, which was a major biscuit factory founded in 1900. From 1912 they were located at Heimdalsgade 35-37 at Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The buildings from 1912, some of which still exist, are in the National Romantic style, designed by architect Olaf Petri. The factory, which mainly employed many women had to close in 1978. |
Page 3 - Showing poster stamps # 11 - 15, with their registration dates. Stamps are not arranged in numerical order for aesthetic reasons.
#11) Advertisement for "Schmidt's Economy Soap, in tablet form. Guaranteed chlorine and acid free. Analyzed by Stein's Chemical Laboratories July 17, 1913" #12) Advertisement for Bøgelund-Jensen cooking supplies. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, with design by their studio artists, and is A&L #79. #13) Advertisement for Valdemar Smith - Lingerie, Linens, Embroidery. Stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by Th. Iversen, A&L #85. #14) Advertisement for Magasin du Nord, one of the premier department stores of Denmark, founded in 1868 and still going strong. The store was a prolific user of poster stamps in the 1910s. This stamp, depicting their beehive logo in the lower left, was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by Th. Iversen, and is A&L #82. #15) Advertisement for W. Bähncke & Co. - Fire Insurance. Bähncke offered many types of insurance services, and had a series of poster stamps produced by Andreasen & Lachmann (series continued on page 4). This stamp is A&L #46, with design by Th. Iversen |
Page 4 - Showing poster stamps # 16 - 20, with their registration dates.
All five stamps on this page are advertisements for the insurance firm of W. Bähncke & Co., which was founded in 1858 by Wilhelm Bähncke (1832-1907). The company was later owned by the Absalon Insurance Company. The stamps, in order, represent the company itself; glass insurance; theft insurance; shipping & transport insurance; insurance against water damage. All of the stamps in this series were produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, with designs by Th. Iversen, and are A&L #45, 48, 49, 50, 47. |
Page 5 - Showing poster stamps # 21 - 25, with their registration dates. Not arranged in numerical order.
#21) Advertisement for Trojka brand cigarettes. Billed as being "Genuine Russian Cigarette", manufactured by Maikapar in Riga (Latvia). "Maikapar" tobacco company was established in Riga by two Crimean entrepreneurs - Abraham Maikapar and Yefim Saitan - representatives of Crimean Karaites or Krymkaraylar. Before WWI the "Maikapar" company was one of the largest manufacturers of tobacco products in the Russian Empire. The company's brands were in Moscow and even in Berlin. During the First Republic Maikapar company was led by Theodor and Samuil Maikapar. As a Joint-Stock company Maikapar existed until the Soviet times, when it was nationalized and renamed into "Riga Tobacco Factory". In the 1990s it was sold to House of Prince, a subsidiary of Scandinavian Tobacco. The stamp was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by studio artists, and is A&L #90. #22) Advertisement for S. Salomon & Co., a wholesale company. Founded in 1880 by Grosser S. Salomon (d. About 1936). They took over the exclusive right to manufacture "Holmbladske Bilder" (playing cards), from the old Holmbladske Playing Cards Factory. Stamp was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by studio artists, and is A&L #91. #23) Advertising for Union Inc., advertising and marketing agency. They operated in Copenhagen between 1900 and 1930. This is an embossed, die-cut poster stamp. #24 & 25) Advertising for Københabns Klichèfabrik, a poster stamp printer. |
Page 6 - Showing poster stamps # 26 - 30, with their registration dates. Not arranged in numerical order for aesthetic reasons.
#26) Advertisement for Chr. Hee's Successors - an auction house founded in 1860. The stamp was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by Th. Iversen, and is A&L #53. #27) Advertisement for the Association for the Purchase of Sporting Goods, which was a sports supplies company founded in 1885. The stamp was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by studio artists, and is A&L #102. (This stamp was printed with both blue and green backgrounds, and either color was accepted in this album) #28) Advertisement for the Door Handle & Metalware Factory in Copenhagen, founded in 1862. #29) Advertisement for the Danish Travel Bureau. The stamp was produced by Andreasen & Lachmann, design by Th. Iversen, and is A&L #89. #30) Advertisement for Møller & Landschultz, a printing house. This stamp advertises their office registry books. The stamp was probably printed by M&L, since they also printed poster stamps. |
Interleaving sheet between pages 6 and 7. This is an advertisement for Bikuben Savings Bank, which was founded in 1857 in København to allow people of modest means access to banking services.
This page lists several branch locations and their hours of operation, and mentions that their current interest rate is 3½% per year. |
Page 7 - Showing poster stamps # 31 - 35.
In 1913 Andreasen & Lachmann produced a set of 10 poster stamps for the Copenhage Zoological Gardens. These stamps were printed in a sheet, with text in the margins and printing on the back. The text at top indicates that the sheets were to be sold for 10 øre, at the postcard kiosk in the Gardens. The text at the bottom discusses the collecting of poster stamps, and some of the types of poster stamps issued by A&L. The backs of the stamps were printed in three languages - Danish, German, English. This page shows A&L #s 22, 21, 20, 19, 18; with designs by Poul Jørgensen. To see a complete sheet click HERE. |
Page 8 - Showing poster stamps # 36 - 40.
In 1913 Andreasen & Lachmann produced a set of 10 poster stamps for the Copenhage Zoological Gardens. These stamps were printed in a sheet, with text in the margins and printing on the back. The text at top indicates that the sheets were to be sold for 10 øre, at the postcard kiosk in the Gardens. The text at the bottom discusses the collecting of poster stamps, and some of the types of poster stamps issued by A&L. The backs of the stamps were printed in three languages - Danish, German, English. This page shows A&L #s 27, 26, 25, 24, 23; with designs by Poul Jørgensen. To see a complete sheet click HERE. |
Interleaving sheet between pages 8 and 9. This is an advertisement for Thorvald Bergs "Magasin for moderne Børnekonfektion" (Department store for modern childrens' clothing and accessories).
Berg advertises STORT UDVALG • RIMELIGE PRISER (Great Value - Reasonable Prices). Interestingly, although Berg issued at least four different poster stamps during the period of these albums, none were included in any of them. |
Page 9 - Showing poster stamps # 41 - 45 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order.
All five poster stamps show products sold and/or manufactured by L. Levison Junr., which was founded in 1850 by Lion Levison. The firm was originally a paper retailer, but eventually exanded the business to include its own printing house, design studio, bookbindery, etc. The firm merged in 1980 with Dansk Papir-Industrie A/S under the name Meydan A/S. (These albums were printed for Berlingske Tidende by L. Levison Junr.) |
Page 10 - Showing poster stamps # 46 - 50 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#46) Advertisement for Chr. Erichsens Book Publisher. One of their specialties was Childrens' Books. This stamp depicts two Sparemærker (Savings Stamps) issued by the firm, which could be collected and redeemed for books. #47) Advertisement for Heymann Bloch's Stork brand laundry powder. This is design #10 from a set of 10 issued by Block, printed by Andreasen & Lachmann as A&L #s 28-37. #48 & 49) Advertisements for Falkonergaardens Fabrikker, which specialized in soaps and perfumes. #50) Advertisement for Hersleb Christiansen & Co., who sold Automobiles and Motorcycles, including the three-wheeled Cyklonette as depicted on this stamp. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann as A&L #40, with design by Th. Iversen. |
Page 11 - Showing poster stamps # 51 - 55 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#51) Publicity for Rundskue-Dag, literally "Sightseeing Day" and served as a special day for the city and its merchants to show off their goods to the public. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann as A&L #164, with design by Axel Nygaard. #52) Advertisement for the Palatine Insurance Co., which was founded in 1886. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, but was NOT part of their numbered series. #53) Advertisement for A/S Dansk Reproduktionsanstalt & Holm's Reproduktionsanstalt. The business specialized in reproduction of printed materials, including preparation of printing plates. #54) Advertisement for Aage Steenberg - Jeweler and Goldsmith. This stamp is seen in either blue, green or red. #55) Advertisement for Dewar's Whisky. This was not a Danish company, and this stamp was probably printed in Great Britain. It is probably included here because Dewar's was probably sold in Danish spirit shops. |
Page 12 - Showing poster stamps # 56 - 60 with their registration dates.
#56 - 58) Advertisements for Emil Brandt's Wine and Spirits Shop. These three stamps were all printed by Andreasen & Lachmann and were A&L #s 58, 57, 56. The two vertical stamps were designed by the A&L Studio, and the horizontal stamp has a design by Gerda Wegener, noted Danish illustrator. #59 - 60) Advertisements for Det Tyvende Aarhundrede (Twentieth Century), which was an advertising and publicity agency. |
Page 13 - Showing poster stamps # 61 - 65 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#61) Advertisement for Det Tyvende Aarhundrede (Twentieth Century), which was an advertising and publicity agency. #62-65) Advertisements for Lagermans skurepulver and vaskepulver (scouring powder and laundry powder). There were at least 20 different poster stamp designs for Lagerman products, all featuring their iconic man in the top hat. Each design was printed in both black & red and black & blue, and both colors have been seen in these albums. |
Page 14 - Showing poster stamps # 66 - 70 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#66) Advertisement for Lagermans skurepulver (scouring powder). #67) Advertisement for Carl Breidahl, grocer, promoting his coffee. #68) Advertisement for Carl G. F. Petersen's Book, Paper, and Music store. This is one of 12 different poster stamps from Petersen, and they all have the same design, with only the center panel differing. This one is for office products. #69 & 70) Advertisements for Luna Chocolates, which was one of Denmarks premier chocolate manufacturers at the time. These two stamps were part of a series of 8 printed by Sophus Kruckow. (The stamp in spot #70 actually belongs in spot #76 on page 16. The two stamps were reversed, but accepted by BT since they were both required.) |
Page 16 - Showing poster stamps # 76 - 80 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#76) Advertisement for Luna Chocolates, the final one in the series printed by Sophus Kruckow (This stamp was reversed with #70 on page 14). #77) Advertisement for "Standard" stamp shop. #78) Advertisement for Julius Jensen - menswear shop, with the slogan "Julius Jensen Never Sleeps!" This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, and is A&L #78 with design by A&L Studio. #79 & 80) Advertisements for Kihl's Book Printing and Lithography shop. These stamps were printed se-tenant, alternating in sheets of 40 stamps (5 columns x 8 rows) |
Interleaving sheet between pages 16 and 17. This is an advertisement and announcement from Daniel Dalsgaard who founded a coffee business, wholesale & retail, in 1901.
The announcement says: Dalsgaard's collectors' stamps, Absalon series from 1-4, will appear in approx. 14 days. The collectors' stamps will only be distributed to customers when buying coffee or against payment of 10 øre per series or 3 øre per stamp. The Absalon series is designed by the artists Th. Iversen and Poul Jørgensen and published by Andreasen & Lachmann and entered under the following A&L numbers 177, 178, 179, 180. We do not fail to add that the stamps are some of the most beautiful we have seen appear in this area, both in terms of design and execution. Absalon refers to the equestrian statue of Absalon on Højbro Plads in Copenhagen, which was unveiled in 1902 to mark the 700 years' anniversary of the death of Bishop Absalon, the city's legendary founder. The set of stamps would be included in Album #2, as #177-180, which correspond to their A&L numbers. |
Page 17 - Showing poster stamps # 81 - 85 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#81 & 82) Advertisements for V. Løwener, which sold vehicles as well as industrial tools and motor vehicle accessories. #83 & 84) Advertisements for Reinh. van Hauen's bakery and biscuit factory, which was founded in 1876. These two stamps refer to the Grand Prize won by the business at Paris (possibly the 1900 World's Fair) #85) Advertisement for Th. Halgreen, Jeweler & Goldsmith. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, and is A&L #74 with design by Th. Iversen. |
Page 18 - Showing poster stamps # 86 - 90 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#86 & 87) Advertisements for Ant. Jurgens Margarineoplag A/S, which was a Dutch margarine company. #88) Advertisement for Crome & Goldschmidt's Manufacturers, founded by Carl Winblad in 1900. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann, and is A&L #88, with design by A&L Studio. #89) Advertisement for J.E. Granzow, wholesaler, urging consumers to buy (heating) briquettes from him. #90) Advertisement for Grøn & Witzke, an insurance company. |
Interleaving sheet between pages 18 and 19. This sheet has two different advertisements, both for businesses that did not issue poster stamps.
Left side - P. O. Pedersen - Billiard and Game manufacturers - specializing in Billiard and Pool tables, as well as card and game tables. Right Side - H. Jørgensens Successors - Specializing in Umbrellas, men's and women's walking sticks, and smoking accessories including pipes. |
Page 20 - Showing poster stamps # 96 - 100 with their registration dates. Not arranged in numeric order for aesthetic reasons.
#96) Advertising the "Rouge et Noir" pen, which was manufactured by Mont Blanc. Mont Blanc is not a Danish company, but their products were sold by high-end stationers in Denmark. #97) Advertisement for Tripoli brand cigarettes. This stamp was printed by Joh. Ludv. Sivertsen. #98) Advertisement for the Eksport Fløde-Kompagniet A/S, based in Odense, which manufactured and sold bottled cream. #99) Advertisement for Jydsk Kjole-Klædehus, clothiers and tailors. This stamp is one of a set of 5 advertising the firm's "Vovehals-Buxer" (daredevil's trousers) because of their durability. #100) Advertisement for Carl Lønberg, who operated a shop selling supplies for scouts. The shop was in the basement of a building where Lønberg also ran a men's haberdashery. This stamp was printed by Andreasen & Lachmann and was A&L #115, with a design by Henry Andreasen (although the backprint says the design was by the A&L Studio) |
Interleaving sheet after page 20.
This sheet is promoting Samlermærke Centralen (Collector's Stamp Center) and the Nordisk Samlermærke Forlag (Nordic Collector's Stamp Publisher). The N.S.F. was instrumental in supporting poster stamps and other cinderellas in their early days of collecting. They acted as a clearinghouse for cinderella stamps, and they published albums for them as well. |
Inside Back Cover - An advertisement for the printing firm of L. Levison Junr. in Copenhagen, depicting their "Heimdal" line of fountain pens.
L. Levison Junr., was founded in 1850 by Lion Levison. The firm was originally a paper retailer, but eventually exanded the business to include its own printing house, design studio, bookbindery, etc. The firm merged in 1980 with Dansk Papir-Industrie A/S under the name Meydan A/S. |
Back cover of album - advertising the sponsor of the albums, the newspaper Berlingske Tidende.
The text reads: Every Sunday Berlingske Tidende has a list of the most recently registered Collector's Stamps with description, registration number and date of registration. If you want to follow along, sign up immediately for a subscription. In the upper right corner is a notice that the Sunday issue will be sent to ALL subscribers. At the bottom are the subscription prices for the Morning edition, the Evening edition, and for both editions. |