Indregistrerede Samlermærker
no. 201 - 300
Indregistrerede Samlermærker
no. 201 - 300
Album Cover - Each album in the series had a different color - they all had an embossed, die-cut poster stamp issued by the newspaper affixed in a space at the top center.
The text reads: "My Stamp Collection / Berlingske Tidendes Album / For / Registered Poster Stamps / No. 201 - 300 / Album No. 3 / With Illustrations and Registration numbers - 50 øre" This album belonged to Inge Margrete Thrue, who lived at Frederiksberg Aleé 45. It is completely filled.
(This album also had an extra stamp affixed to the cover) |
Inside Front Cover - An advertisement for the printing firm of L Levison Junr. in Copenhagen. Text reads:
"L. LEVISON JUNR. KJØBMAGERGADE 50 COPENHAGEN Produces original and tasteful POSTER STAMPS With advertising and artistic assistance. Our editors and our illustrators provide PROPOSALS, IDEAS, and DRAWINGS for anyone who considers issuing advertisements and poster stamps. TELEPHONE 7500 for connection to all departments and offices." The firm of L Levison Junr was one of the more prolific producers of poster stamps in Denmark. In the upper left corner can be seen the newspaper's rubber stamp confirmation mark. |
First printed interleaving page. These pages were bound into the album between pages with stamps. They are partially intended to protect the stamps from catching on stamps on opposing pages.
They also afford an opportunity for advertising. This is the only interleaving page with printing on both sides. Subsequent interleaving pages are only printed on the front side. |
First interleaving sheet - back. Text Reads:
"To encourage our most energetic collectors, we have arranged for 10 prizes, consisting of 10 modern wristwatches, which will be awarded according to the following rules: Anyone who has collected, in the Berlingske Tidendes Album for Registered Poster Stamps # 201 - 300, every actual poster stamp, may, before February 26, 1914,present their album to Berlingske Tidende's office at Pilestræde 34, along with their name and address, after which they will become eligible for the drawing of the prizes. After review, the album will receive a small control stamp. - For residents of other towns and rural residents, the album may be submitted by mail to receive its control stamp, after which the album will be returned to its owner.- The results of the prize awards will be announced in the newspaper on Sunday, March 1, 1914. Copenhagen, December 1, 1913. Berlingske Tidende." |
Interleaving sheet after page 20.
This sheet is promoting Samlermærke Centralen (Collector's Stamp Center) and the Nordisk Samlermærke Forlag (Nordic Collector's Stamp Publisher). The N.S.F. was instrumental in supporting poster stamps and other cinderellas in their early days of collecting. They acted as a clearinghouse for cinderella stamps, and they published albums for them as well. |
Back cover of album - advertising the sponsor of the albums, the newspaper Berlingske Tidende.
The text reads: Every Sunday Berlingske Tidende has a list of the most recently registered Collector's Stamps with description, registration number and date of registration. If you want to follow along, sign up immediately for a subscription. In the upper right corner is a notice that the Sunday issue will be sent to ALL subscribers. At the bottom are the subscription prices for the Morning edition, the Evening edition, and for both editions. |