Carl Allers Etablissement A/S Stamps
Top Row 96-95-94-90-89-88-84-83-82-78-77-76-72-71-70-66-65-64
Bottom Row 99-98-97-93-92-91-87-86-85-81-80-79-75-74-73-69-68-67
- The 36 poster stamps published by CAE are numbered from 9964 to 9999.
- They are all printed in one of 6 different colors: Green, Red, Blue, Purple, Brown-Orange, and Dark Brown.
- They appear to have been printed in sheets of 6 different designs (2 rows of 3 stamps).
- The print order horizontally is always the same.
- The vertical alignment of the two rows is variable.
- The design portion of each stamp is either 30 x 48 mm. or 48 x 30 mm.
Top Row 96-95-94-90-89-88-84-83-82-78-77-76-72-71-70-66-65-64
Bottom Row 99-98-97-93-92-91-87-86-85-81-80-79-75-74-73-69-68-67
The stamps above represent several of Aller's businesses. Some information about the subjects on them is listed below.
Carl Allers Bogforlag - Book Publishing Division. Some of the stamps depict images relating to various books published by Aller.
#9964 - Slavernes Oprør (Slaves Uprising) - this was a children's book by Lars Lunde, published in 1941, about an uprising of slaves in St. John, in the Danish West Indies in the 19th century.
#9967 - Rullende Sten Samler Ikke Mos (A Rolling Stone Gather no Moss), memoirs by Jack Bøgh, published in 1942, about his travels and exploits in Mexico and the US southwest.
#9970 - Falkepatruljen og Komtessen (Falcon Patrol and the Countess) - a children's book, bublished in 1942 about a scout group and a horse - Komtesse - owned by one of the scouts.
#9973 - Piratkongens Fald (The Fall of the Pirate King) - by Draycott Montague Dell, a children's book, published in 1942 about pirates.
#9976 - Generic "Læs Bogen om Sumatra med Tropehjelm og Solbriller" - Read the book about sumatra with tropical helmet and sunglasses. (No specific title mentioned).
#9977 - "Læs Grete og Jørgen" (Read Grete and Jørgen) - I could not find any information about this subject.
#9979 - Seks Kærnekarle (Six Strapping Fellows) - by Dines Skafte Jespersen & Ahrent Oteerstrøm - published in 1942. A bookseller's description: "A story about good camaraderie between healthy boys and a fearful fight against both Swedes and evil landowners, which takes place in North Jutland at Tordenskjold's time."
#9981 - Scala-Minder (Scala Memories) - by Gunhild Gantzel, pulished in 1941 - recounting memories from the Scala Theatre.
#9982 - Trekanten (Triangle) - subtitle: A Book for Boys About Boys, by Ebbe Nielsen. First published in 1926, but also published by Aller in 1942.
#9985 - Luf og de Andre (Luf and the Others) - A story about a boy, Luf, at boarding school - by Ebbe Nielsen, edition published in 1942 by Aller.
#9988 - Sessan og Hende Venner (Sessan and her friends) - by Birthe Boye, published in 1942.
#9991 - De Pokkers Knægt! (Those Damn Boys!) - by Ebbe Nielsen, published in 1942, about the (mis)adventures of some friends.
#9994 - Det Glade Kompagni (The Happy Group) - by Ebbe Nielsen, edition published in 1942.
#9997 - Frøken Fyldepen (Miss Fountain Pen) - by Birthe Boye, edition published in 1942,
Kriminalist-Klubben "De Tretten" - (Criminalist Club "The Thirteen") - This was a group of Danish mystery writers, many of who were published by Carl Allers Bogforlag. Aller published a novel by the group - "Asters I grøn Bojan" in 1942. It was a crime novel, in which some of the members of the club "The Thirteen", each has written 2 chapters, one of the first and one of the last. The order was determined by drawing lots.
Three of the Aller stamps mention the club and depict author members. The text "Bliv medlem af . . . " translates to "Become a member of"
#9968 - depicts Aage Weimar (1902 - 1983)
#9989 - depicts Knud Meister (1913 - 1989)
#9999- depicts Carlo Andersen (1904 - 1970)
Union A/S Reklamebureau - This is an advertising agency, run by Aller as early as the pre-WWI years, known then as Annonceekspedition Union Aktieselskabet. The agency facilitated and coordinated advertising for various Aller publications.
#9969 - Depicts an old-time drummer, possibly acting as a "town crier" spreading news.
#9992 - Depicts an advertisement of a woman selling orange juice.
Carl Allers Etablissement A/S - The main company identity as a print house.
#9971 - The company logo.
#9996 - Pegasus - Teatret (Pegasus Theatre). The Pegasus Theatre was a puppet theatre that was originally printed on pages in the Illustreret Familie-Journal as early as 1914. Later editions were printed on cardboard as kits to be assembled.
Familie Journalen - A Danish language weekly family and women's magazine published in Copenhagen, Denmark. The magazine is one of the oldest publications in the country. It was started as a family-oriented weekly by Carl Aller in 1877 under the name Illustreret Familie-Journal.
#9972 - One of the magazine's specialty publications about model boats.
#9983 - One of the Magazine's specialty publications about model airplanes.
#9984 - Hakon Mielche - "Danmarks Populæreste Foredragsholder" (Denmark's most popular storyteller). Hakon Bagger Mielche (1904 - 1979) was a Danish travel book author, journalist and adventurer who was a member of the Adventurers' Club. Mielche has published a large number of books which have been translated into more than 13 languages. He traveled for many years for the weekly magazine Familie Journalen (From Wikipedia).
#9998 - Depicts a model train, with the words "Besøg Familie-Journalen" (Visit Family Journal).
Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt and Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri
According to Wikipedia:
Bianco Luno (24 June 1795 - 14 August 1852) was a Danish book printer. His printing business, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, was at the time of his death in 1852 the largest company of its kind in Denmark. The street Bianco Lunos Allé in Frederiksberg is named after him.
By the time he died, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri had grown to be the largest printing business in the country. It was continued by his widow under the management of his nephew Frederik Siegfred Muhle (1829–84) and Ferdinand Dreyer (1833-1924). Dreyer became the sole owner of the company in 1873. In 1900, it was acquired by A/S Carl Aller.
#9974 - Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt - depicts a worker and bottles of chemicals used in the business.
#9980 - Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri - depicts a formal portrait of Bianco Luno.
#9987 - Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt - depicts a row of workers sitting at work tables in front of windows.
#9995 - Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri - depicts a large, modern printing press.
Mønster-Tidende - Nordisk Mønster-Tidende was an illustrated fashion journal published from 1874 - 1952, when the name was changed to Femina. Femina is still published today as a weekly fashion magazine.
#9975 - Depicts women reading, possibly a reading room for the magazine.
#9986 - Depicts two women, with text "Mønster Tidendes Snitmønstre" (Mønster Tidendes cut patterns).
Det Ny Radio Blad - "The New Radio Magazine" began in 1940 as a guide for radio listeners. In order to take advantage of the newer medium of television, the magazine changed its name to Se og Hør (See and Hear) in 1953. It is still published today in all three Scandinavian countries, and is one of the largest circulation publications in all three countries.
#9978 - Depicts a music conductor, and references an event at the bottom of the stamp, with the dates 31 May - 6 June, but the rest of the text is unreadable.
Carl Allers Bogforlag - Book Publishing Division. Some of the stamps depict images relating to various books published by Aller.
#9964 - Slavernes Oprør (Slaves Uprising) - this was a children's book by Lars Lunde, published in 1941, about an uprising of slaves in St. John, in the Danish West Indies in the 19th century.
#9967 - Rullende Sten Samler Ikke Mos (A Rolling Stone Gather no Moss), memoirs by Jack Bøgh, published in 1942, about his travels and exploits in Mexico and the US southwest.
#9970 - Falkepatruljen og Komtessen (Falcon Patrol and the Countess) - a children's book, bublished in 1942 about a scout group and a horse - Komtesse - owned by one of the scouts.
#9973 - Piratkongens Fald (The Fall of the Pirate King) - by Draycott Montague Dell, a children's book, published in 1942 about pirates.
#9976 - Generic "Læs Bogen om Sumatra med Tropehjelm og Solbriller" - Read the book about sumatra with tropical helmet and sunglasses. (No specific title mentioned).
#9977 - "Læs Grete og Jørgen" (Read Grete and Jørgen) - I could not find any information about this subject.
#9979 - Seks Kærnekarle (Six Strapping Fellows) - by Dines Skafte Jespersen & Ahrent Oteerstrøm - published in 1942. A bookseller's description: "A story about good camaraderie between healthy boys and a fearful fight against both Swedes and evil landowners, which takes place in North Jutland at Tordenskjold's time."
#9981 - Scala-Minder (Scala Memories) - by Gunhild Gantzel, pulished in 1941 - recounting memories from the Scala Theatre.
#9982 - Trekanten (Triangle) - subtitle: A Book for Boys About Boys, by Ebbe Nielsen. First published in 1926, but also published by Aller in 1942.
#9985 - Luf og de Andre (Luf and the Others) - A story about a boy, Luf, at boarding school - by Ebbe Nielsen, edition published in 1942 by Aller.
#9988 - Sessan og Hende Venner (Sessan and her friends) - by Birthe Boye, published in 1942.
#9991 - De Pokkers Knægt! (Those Damn Boys!) - by Ebbe Nielsen, published in 1942, about the (mis)adventures of some friends.
#9994 - Det Glade Kompagni (The Happy Group) - by Ebbe Nielsen, edition published in 1942.
#9997 - Frøken Fyldepen (Miss Fountain Pen) - by Birthe Boye, edition published in 1942,
Kriminalist-Klubben "De Tretten" - (Criminalist Club "The Thirteen") - This was a group of Danish mystery writers, many of who were published by Carl Allers Bogforlag. Aller published a novel by the group - "Asters I grøn Bojan" in 1942. It was a crime novel, in which some of the members of the club "The Thirteen", each has written 2 chapters, one of the first and one of the last. The order was determined by drawing lots.
Three of the Aller stamps mention the club and depict author members. The text "Bliv medlem af . . . " translates to "Become a member of"
#9968 - depicts Aage Weimar (1902 - 1983)
#9989 - depicts Knud Meister (1913 - 1989)
#9999- depicts Carlo Andersen (1904 - 1970)
Union A/S Reklamebureau - This is an advertising agency, run by Aller as early as the pre-WWI years, known then as Annonceekspedition Union Aktieselskabet. The agency facilitated and coordinated advertising for various Aller publications.
#9969 - Depicts an old-time drummer, possibly acting as a "town crier" spreading news.
#9992 - Depicts an advertisement of a woman selling orange juice.
Carl Allers Etablissement A/S - The main company identity as a print house.
#9971 - The company logo.
#9996 - Pegasus - Teatret (Pegasus Theatre). The Pegasus Theatre was a puppet theatre that was originally printed on pages in the Illustreret Familie-Journal as early as 1914. Later editions were printed on cardboard as kits to be assembled.
Familie Journalen - A Danish language weekly family and women's magazine published in Copenhagen, Denmark. The magazine is one of the oldest publications in the country. It was started as a family-oriented weekly by Carl Aller in 1877 under the name Illustreret Familie-Journal.
#9972 - One of the magazine's specialty publications about model boats.
#9983 - One of the Magazine's specialty publications about model airplanes.
#9984 - Hakon Mielche - "Danmarks Populæreste Foredragsholder" (Denmark's most popular storyteller). Hakon Bagger Mielche (1904 - 1979) was a Danish travel book author, journalist and adventurer who was a member of the Adventurers' Club. Mielche has published a large number of books which have been translated into more than 13 languages. He traveled for many years for the weekly magazine Familie Journalen (From Wikipedia).
#9998 - Depicts a model train, with the words "Besøg Familie-Journalen" (Visit Family Journal).
Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt and Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri
According to Wikipedia:
Bianco Luno (24 June 1795 - 14 August 1852) was a Danish book printer. His printing business, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, was at the time of his death in 1852 the largest company of its kind in Denmark. The street Bianco Lunos Allé in Frederiksberg is named after him.
By the time he died, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri had grown to be the largest printing business in the country. It was continued by his widow under the management of his nephew Frederik Siegfred Muhle (1829–84) and Ferdinand Dreyer (1833-1924). Dreyer became the sole owner of the company in 1873. In 1900, it was acquired by A/S Carl Aller.
#9974 - Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt - depicts a worker and bottles of chemicals used in the business.
#9980 - Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri - depicts a formal portrait of Bianco Luno.
#9987 - Bianco Lunos Reproduktionsanstalt - depicts a row of workers sitting at work tables in front of windows.
#9995 - Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri - depicts a large, modern printing press.
Mønster-Tidende - Nordisk Mønster-Tidende was an illustrated fashion journal published from 1874 - 1952, when the name was changed to Femina. Femina is still published today as a weekly fashion magazine.
#9975 - Depicts women reading, possibly a reading room for the magazine.
#9986 - Depicts two women, with text "Mønster Tidendes Snitmønstre" (Mønster Tidendes cut patterns).
Det Ny Radio Blad - "The New Radio Magazine" began in 1940 as a guide for radio listeners. In order to take advantage of the newer medium of television, the magazine changed its name to Se og Hør (See and Hear) in 1953. It is still published today in all three Scandinavian countries, and is one of the largest circulation publications in all three countries.
#9978 - Depicts a music conductor, and references an event at the bottom of the stamp, with the dates 31 May - 6 June, but the rest of the text is unreadable.
Here are some sheets and multiples showing the arrangement of individual stamps.